Hello. Jude here. This is a guide for people who've been practicing maybe keyboard or guitar for a few months and maybe wants to get into music production.
You can't have music without an instrument, so here are the best ones.
Casio CZ101: A great beginner synth, and a good place to start if you want to build your own sounds. It's actually pretty versatile once you get the hang of it. ($470's)
Yamaha Reface CS: Again, another great beginner synth (and half as expensive as the cz101) but it's hard to program without having some prior knowlegde. ($280's)
Korg Microkorg: A more advanced synth, but as an added bonus, it does have a vocoder. (which we used on sodding little piggies) ($300's)
Korg Volcabeats: A great drum machine. Don't know what else to say about it. ($110's)
Ludwig Questlove: A good beginner drum set. ($260's)
any are fine as long as you're happy with it ($5-∞)
Shure SM-58. That's it. ($500's)